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How to Repair Aluminium Holes Without Welding (Easy Guide)
No welding? No problem! The best aluminium hole repair methods you can do at home.
No welding? No problem! The best aluminium hole repair methods you can do at home.
Does galvanised steel ever rust? The short answer is yes, but only under certain conditions. Galvanised steel is one of the most reliable and cost-effective corrosion-resistant materials available.
Have you ever wondered why joining aluminium isn't as straightforward as other metals? Aluminium is light, resistant to corrosion, and very versatile. However, its unique properties can make standard joining methods less effective.
Are you tired of expensive repairs caused by rust? With its corrosion resistance and unbeatable durability, galvanised steel can solve your problem. It's a reliable, long-lasting solution for those who want a material that can withstand harsh conditions.
Aluminium is prized for its impressive strength-to-weight ratio, corrosion resistance, and versatility. Unfortunately, there’s one area where it doesn’t shine as brightly: scratch resistance.
In October 2024, Click Metal proudly announced Duncan Hutchinson as the winner of our 'Metal Project' photo competition. His extraordinary creation, a stainless-steel unicorn named Pauchle Saorsa (meaning "a small parcel of freedom" a mixture of Scots and Gaelic), captured hearts and showcased the remarkable creativity within the metalworking community.
Square metal bars are versatile on their own, but bending them takes their potential to a whole new level. From designing decorative gates to building unique furniture or crafting artistic pieces, the creative possibilities are endless!
Starting a new project? Choosing the right metal for your bars is just one piece of the puzzle. Whether you're building frames, machinery, custom parts, or anything else, picking the right shape is just as important for making sure everything works as it should.
Galvanised steel - steel coated with a layer of zinc to protect it from rust and corrosion - is a popular choice for its ability to handle moisture, humidity, and harsh weather conditions with ease. It naturally has a silver finish that works for many uses, but if you’re after a more colourful look, you might wonder if you can paint directly on its surface.
Strong, lightweight, and corrosion-resistant, aluminium is one of the most widely used metals in the world. It first gained popularity in the late 19th century and can now be found in everything from packaging and gadgets to cars and buildings.